Photos d'Augustin, bebe de 8 mois, en France
Quel grand honneur d'être la photographe du bébé de ma plus vieille amie!! Presque 30 ans d'amitié. On s'est vues grandir, devenir des...

Séance photo nouveau né avec Samuel - Newborn baby photoshoot
Voici les photos de bébé Samuel, d'une séance photo qui a eu lieu l'année dernière à Rouen et en Normandie. Aujourd'hui, il marche, il...

La séance photo de Izia, bébé de 2 mois
La tres jolie Izia, agée de 2 mois, dans sa maison en Normandie.

Bubble bath photo shoot for sitter or toddler
That's a fact. Most of babies absolutely loooove bath! Well, now having a baby bubble bath photoshoot in my studio is possible :) Lot of...

Meher, 7 months baby photoshoot
Full of energy, eager to discover the world, Meher already has dancing feet and might be a future big adventurer :)

Einaya, 3 months baby photoshoot
3 months baby Einaya came to my studio last week and was perfect from the beginning to the end of the session <3

Cake smash photoshoot with Leonie - 1 year old baby photography
My daughter Leonie turned 1 year last month. Of course, I had to do her cake smash photoshoot! And I did it in my favorite colors...

Baby photography - Dev 9 months baby photo session
It was a mix indoor-outdoor photoshoot for little baby Dev. We finally could enjoy the nice weather after a very hot summer! Dev is a...

Viraj baby photos (9 months baby photography)
Baby Viraj is a very loving happy baby, curious, and eager to discover the world. The photo shoot was full of laughs. Thanks to his...