Séance photo nouveau né avec Samuel - Newborn baby photoshoot
Voici les photos de bébé Samuel, d'une séance photo qui a eu lieu l'année dernière à Rouen et en Normandie. Aujourd'hui, il marche, il...

Photographie du nouveau né Clement, bébé de 11 jours
Une tres belle et touchante séance photo avec bébé Clement et ses parents dans leur maison. Rouen, Normandie, France. A wonderful and...

La séance photo de Izia, bébé de 2 mois
La tres jolie Izia, agée de 2 mois, dans sa maison en Normandie.

Bubble bath photo shoot for sitter or toddler
That's a fact. Most of babies absolutely loooove bath! Well, now having a baby bubble bath photoshoot in my studio is possible :) Lot of...

Meher, 7 months baby photoshoot
Full of energy, eager to discover the world, Meher already has dancing feet and might be a future big adventurer :)

Einaya, 3 months baby photoshoot
3 months baby Einaya came to my studio last week and was perfect from the beginning to the end of the session <3

Newborn photography - Augustin, 10 days old baby photoshoot at home
My oldest and dearest friend Caroline gave birth to this adorable little angel. He decided to show up after Christmas, and I was lucky...

Baby photography - Mishka, 45 days newborn baby photo session
Newborn baby photoshoot in Delhi

Baby photography - Dev 9 months baby photo session
It was a mix indoor-outdoor photoshoot for little baby Dev. We finally could enjoy the nice weather after a very hot summer! Dev is a...

Amyra - Newborn baby photoshoot
This was a home photoshoot. I got the chance to meet little newborn Amyra who seemed to already like to pose for the camera :)